How to Make Your Own Unique Stickers

 Have you ever wanted to make your own stickers ? You can do it yourself !

  1. Write or draw a picture on your piece of paper with a regular pencil. Keep in mind the size of the drawing, so that you it the size of your clear tape.
  2. Instead of drawing the stickers, you can print them off the internet and
  3. If you like, you can paint it or colour it in.
  4. Then put a piece of tape on your picture/text.
  5. Rub the piece of clear tape with your thumb.
  6. Peel off the tape.
  7. If you want you can also cut the tape into a certain shape.
  8. You have a sticker!


  • Try not to use lined paper it usually is too thin and will rip.
  • Don't stick your stickers onto a wall or other painted surface because you could rip the paint off.


D.I.Y.Done! It's Yours! Blog

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